Dialética. Qualquer praxeologia que permite superar dois tipos opostos de restrições, transformando-os em um novo tipo de condições que os substituem. Neste contexto, fala-se, portanto, de superação (dépassement francês, Aufhebung alemã, Superación espanhol).
Dialectic. Any praxeology that enables one to overcome two opposed types of constraints by turning them into a new kind of conditions that supersede them. ln this context, one, therefore, speaks of supersession (French dépassement, German Aujhebung, Spanish superacion).
BOSCH, M.; CHEVALLARD, Y. A short (and somewhat subjective) glossary of the ATD. In: BOSCH, M.; CHEVALLARD, Y.; GARCÍA, F. J.; MONAGHAN, J. (Org.). Working whith the Anthropological Theory of the Didatic in Mathematics Eduction: a comprehensive casebook. London and New York. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, p. 19-38, 2020.
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